Milk Powder Bovine Lactoferrin ELISA Test Kit


Milk Powder Bovine Lactoferrin ELISA Test Kit

SKU: SC0286 Category:

Bovine Lactoferrin ELISA Test Kit is a double-antibody sandwich
enzyme-linked immunoassay. Precoated bovine lactoferrin antibody on the wells, the pre-coated bovine lactoferrin antibody and HRP enzyme conjugate antibody are combined with the bovine lactoferrin in the sample at the same time to form an antibody-bovine lactoferrin-HRP-enzyme-conjugate complex, which is colored by TMB substrate.


96 Wells

Shelf Life

18 Months

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Bovine Lactoferrin ELISA Test Kit is a double-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunoassay. Pre-coated bovine lactoferrin antibody on the wells, the pre-coated bovine lactoferrin antibody and HRP enzyme conjugate antibody are combined with the bovine lactoferrin in the sample at the same time to form an antibody-bovine lactoferrin-HRP-enzyme-conjugate complex, which is colored by TMB substrate. The absorbance value of the sample is positively correlated with the content of bovine lactoferrin. Compared with the standard curve and multiplied by the corresponding dilution factor, the content of bovine lactoferrin in the sample can be calculated.

【Scope of Application】

Qualitative or quantitative analysis of bovine lactoferrin content in milk powder.


Bovine lactoferrin…………………………………….………100%

【Materials Required But Not Provided】

  1. Devices:

—- Microwell Plate Reader (450nm/630nm)

—- Oscillator / Vortex

—- Constant Temperature Incubator

—- Balance (sensibility: 0.01g)

—- Graduated pipette: 10mL

—- Rubber suction bulb

—- Centrifuge tube: 2mL, 7mL, 50mL

—- Micropipette: Single channel pipette (10-100μL, 100-1000μL)

Multi-channel pipette (30-300μL)

  1. Reagent:

—- Deionized water

—- 18M concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4)

【Provided Materials and Reagent】

Component 96 wells
Antibody coated plate 12 × 8 wells
5 vials of standard 1mL each
Enzyme Conjugate 6mL
Substrate A 6mL
Substrate B 6mL
Concentrated Wash Buffer (10×) 40mL
Concentrated Sample Extraction Buffer 50mL
Package Insert 1
Testing Report 1
Plate cover sheet 2

Note: The concentrations of the standards are 0μg/kg20μg/kg60μg/kg180μg/kg, and 540μg/kg.

Additional information


96 Wells

Shelf Life

18 Months


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